AERA, as an independent economic regulator, aims to create level playing field, foster healthy competition amongst all major airports, to encourage investment in airport facilities and regulate tariffs for aeronautical services.
The statutory functions of AERA as per Chapter III (Section 13) of Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008 are as below:
Functions of Authority :–
(1) The Authority shall perform the following functions in respect of major airports, namely: -
(a) To determine the tariff for the aeronautical services taking into consideration-
(i) the Capital expenditure incurred any timely investment of airports facilities;
(ii) the services provided its quality and other relevant factors;
(iii) the cost of improving efficiency;
(iv) economic and viable operation of major airports;
(v) revenue received from servicers other than the aeronautical services;
(vi) the concession offered by central Government in any agreement for memorandum of understanding or otherwise;
(vii) Any other factor which may be relevant for the purposes of this Act:
Provided that different tariff structures may be determined for different airports having regard to all or any of the above considerations specified at sub-
clauses (i) to (vii);
(b) To determine the amount of the development fees in respect of major airports;
(c) To determine the amount of the passengers services fees levied under rule 88 of the aircraft Rules, 1937 made under the Aircraft Act 1934 (22 of 1934);
(d) To monitor the set performance standards relating to quality, continuity and reliability of the services as may be specified by the Central Government or any
authority authorized by it in his behalf;
(e) To call for such information as may be necessary to determine the tariff under clause(a);
(f) To perform such other functions relating to tariff, as may be entrusted to it by the Central Government or as may be carry out the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Authority shall determine the tariff once in five years and may if so, considered appropriate and in public interest, amend, from time to time during the said
period of five years, the tariff so determined.
(3) While discharging its functions under sub-section (1) the Authority shall not act against the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state,
Friendly relations with foreign states, public order decency of morality.
(4) The Authority shall ensure transparency while exercising its powers and discharging its functions, inter alia,-
(a) by holding due consultations with all stake- holders with the airport;
(b) by allowing all stake-holders to make their submissions to the authority; and
(c) by making all decisions of the authority fully documented and explained.
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