Internal complaints committee (ICC)

Guidance on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace and Filing of Complaint

Airports Economic Regulatory Authority

Constitution of the Internal Complaints Committee in AERA

Name Designation Member of Committee E-mail Phone Number
Ms. Meenu Kapil Director, DGCA Presiding Officer 8860918045
Shri Subhash Chand Under Secretary (F&A) Member usfa[at]aera[dot]gov[dot]in 9717943630
Shri Mani Bhushan Astt. Section Officer (Gen. Admn) Member mani[dot]1986[at]aera[dot]gov[dot]in 8882318555
Mrs. Manjula Mehta Consultant (OL) Member aerahindiconsultant204[at]gmail[dot]com 9868586317
Ms. Shweta Bharti Advocate External Member shweta[dot]bharti[at]hammurabisolomon[dot]com 9811020612

                         If any female employee of AERA is aggrieved by any act/intimidation which may directly or indirectly amount to Sexual Harassment at Workplace, she may submit the complaint to Chairperson ICC or to any Member of ICC for further action.